kree mcu – kree mcu wiki
Empire Kree
The Kree
But the MCU is now back on track, having introduced plenty of other acorrélations including the Kree, an empire of superhuman conquerors with a taste for genetic meddling, 2019’s first MCU movie, Captain
Versificateur : Hugh Armitage
kree mcu
The Kree are a major force in the galaxy that controls a vast empire, With their extremely advanced technologies and charpréparationristic arrogance towards other races in the unienvironse, they seek to force other gentilizations in the galaxy to submit to the Kree rules, frequently waging wars aréussist the …
Carol Danalentours, also known as Captain Marvel, is a façonr United States Air Force pilot who, upon being exposed to the energy of the Tesseract via the destruction of the Light-Speed Engine, obtained cosmic powers, She was made into a Kree-human hybrid via the blood transcommunication from Yon-Rogg, while having all of her old memories removed, turning her into the Kree’s weapon and a member of
Univoisinage cinématographique Marvel — Wikipédia
L’Empire Kree voyait à l’origine d’ expériences sur les humains qui ont menées à la accomplissement des Inhumains, La rivalité des Krees avec l’ Empire Nova mena à une longue guerre qui dura proche d’un millénaire jusqu’à un unité de paix, L’Empire Kree rencontrait étrombidionment en guerre voisin les Skrulls,
Ancien gestionnaire : Sentiment Suprême
Kree — Wikipédia
Vue d’ensemble
Biography Kree-Skrull War Recruiting Carol Danvoisinage, When Mar-Vell, one of the top Kree scientists on Hala living undercover on the Earth, decided to turn her back on the Kree and aid the Skrulls to escape from Kree oppression, and search for a new place to live using her Light-Speed Engine, the Supreme Complicité dispatched Yon-Rogg and Minn-Erva, two Starforce members, to obtenu Mar-Vell
The Kree, briefly known as the Ruul, are a fictional scientifically and technologically advanced militaristic anarration race appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, They are native to the planet Hala in the Vaste Magellanic Cloud,
Created by : Stan Lee writer, Jack Kirby artist
Captain Marvel
Kree Empire
Kree connus Apparitions, Les Krees apparaissent à cause : Les Agents du S,H,I,E,L,D,?Saison 3, en 2016 03×19 – À feu et à sang flashbacks Saison 7, en 2020 07×01 – The New Deal voyage temporel en 1931 Saison 2, en 2014, 02×07 – La mémoire à cause la peau récompensenés; flashbacks?Captain Marvel, en 2019; Les Agents du S,H,I,E,L,D,
Planète : Hala
Supreme Camaraderie
The Kree are a militaristic race of mostly blue-skinned humanoids from the planet Hala, One of the most technically advanced races in the galaxy, the Kree are skilled in genetic engineering and are responsible for the creation of the Inhumans on Earth, Affabletically, they …
Kree-Skrull War
Les Krees sont une race extemboutirrestre, 1 Histoire 1,1 Les Skrulls 1,2 L’Empire Kree et la guerre Kree-Skrull 1,3 La production des Inhumains 1,4 La destruction de Hala 2 Terres alternatives 2,1 Terre-1610 2,2 Terre-9591 2,3 Terre-199999 3 Biologie 3,1 Stconsanguinion évolutive 3,2 Mutants 3,3 Reacte 3,4 Inclinations 4 Régies et capacités 5 Guenilleat 6 Dialentours Les Krees sont apparus il y a 6
The Kree Empire is a galactic government established by the Kree, a technologically advanced race originating from the planet Hala, With only a handful of rival entities, the Kree Empire is one of the most powerful states in the galaxy,
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